The CREs are official advisory bodies made up of permanent Spanish residents abroad.

What is CRE?

The Spanish Resident Councils (CREs) are advisory bodies of the consular offices. They carry out their activities in matters of civil and labor rights, educational, social and cultural action in favor of the Spaniards who make up this community and their political participation in Spain. The CREs have the functions of advising the head of the Consular Office, directing towards it the feelings and concern of the Spanish community, proposing measures that can contribute to improving the attention to it and constituting an open channel so that Spaniards abroad can know the measures of the Spanish public administrations that affect them or expose their problems. There may be a CRE in consular districts where there are more than 1,200 voters registered in the electoral roll of absent residents.

Our fields of action

Civil and labor rights.

The insertion of students in the educational system of the country

Participation in the political life of Spain

Social and cultural action in favor of the Spanish

Main activities of the CRE

  • Being the channel of communication between Spaniards abroad and the Consular Offices.
  • Debate and propose to the Consular Offices measures related to the consular function that can contribute to improving the operation of this service in the district itself.
  • Advise and inform the Head of the Consular Office on matters of interest.
  • Contribute to disseminating the measures adopted by the Public Administrations that affect residents in the district.
  • Cooperate, when requested, with the Consular Office or with other Spanish or local Institutions in activities of representation and benefit of Spaniards.
  • Collaborate with the Consular Office in the electoral processes of the CRE themselves.
  • Participate in the procedure for granting aid and subsidies in favor of Spaniards abroad.

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Thanks!!! Thank you for helping us make HISTORY, and make the first CRE in Qatar a reality.

Thanks to your support and the votes received during the window voting period and on Election Day, the first CRE in Qatar is already a fact that will be shaped in the coming weeks in which , following the legal deadlines, it will proceed to its constitution.

THANKS to those of you who have exercised your right to vote, we have obtained more than the necessary votes, as established by law, in the first CRE elections. We will keep you informed promptly. THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS

It is a victory for everyone !! Spaniards at the service of Spaniards